Psychic Re-Envisioning

I believe that embracing the role as a conduit and healer is only possible if one has lived through the experience themselves. I have endured the the journey through multiple spiritual awakenings that opened me to the true nature of my soul’s path. These awakenings caused profound activations in all the energy centers of my being. This led me through the dark night of the soul, into a period of intense healing revelations manifested through psychic meditations and guided clairvoyant experiences in the spirit realms and dimensions.

I emerged from these “spirit illumination sequences” and uncovered a psychic healing process that I call “re-envisioning”. As a clairvoyant, my readings are received through the mind’s eye or 6th chakra, enabling psychic and spiritual transference to occur. This results in a neutral series of metaphorical or literal “moving pictures”, which culminates in a holistic view and interpretation of mind/ body/spirit, which allows me to read and heal the energy in your space. Psychic Re-Envisioning is derived from my own psychic explorations and personal healing revelations. I believe this unique modality will enable energy re-distribution, clarity and the ability to be your own spiritual guide through the tunnel, no matter how dark it may appear.

As an empath, I am deeply attuned to others emotionally and energetically. These gifts hold a core resonance during my sessions, as we traverse the depths and seek clarity on your path towards spiritual balance and alignment.


As a psychic medium, I am able to connect with spirits that have dis-incarnated and crossed over into the spirit realms. Using the same methodologies to channel, I am able to help you connect with your beloved friends and family that have passed on. Our soul’s consciousness does not end, it transforms and continues, providing us with love, reassurance, guidance and compassion, as we continue our soul journey through this incarnation. Often our passed on loved ones are in our energy, sometimes both subtlety or overtly, showing us signs, connecting in dreams, and manifesting synchronicities to assist us in following our intuition and fulfilling our life purpose with meaning and clarity. I am honored to be a facilitator for the transference and communication that comes through.

I approach these sessions and readings with an empathic heart and a deep sense of respect for the courage, grief process and longing it takes to step into this space where loss has engulfed your being and you are seeking answers and to understand. I would never offer to be a service to you in this way if I doubted the authenticity of my abilities and experiences. Having experienced great losses in my own life, I want you to know that I am providing a place of safety, honor and genuine love for your specific experiences, doubts and hopes. There are no guarantees for what will come through or how, but I do commit to doing everything in my energy to help you connect in whatever capacity is deemed appropriate.

Psychic Re-Envisioning

  • 1 Hr

  • $150

  • A unique psychic modality that combines quantum physics theory with clairvoyant healing methods, creating a healing framework that leads to next steps and clearer vision on one’s path.

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  • Using the Re-Envisioning process, we address traumas and other karmic imbalances, relational or spiritual, that have caused blockages, stuck energy and spiritual dissonance.

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  • Using the Re-Envisioning process, we examine the unfolding of the waking up experience, that is often filled with confusion, fear, doubt and inevitably the dark night of the soul. These challenges bring so much light and clarity to your soul journey, but the navigation can often feel like being lost in the woods. We can find the path to the clearing.

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Clairvoyant Medium Readings

  • 45 mins

  • $100

  • As a medium, I am able to be an open channel for Learn more...connection with your spirit as well as other multidimensional spirits and energies, alive or that have crossed over. These connections can provide guidance, insight, healing or closure.

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  • A general clairvoyant reading that will allow me to look at the energy in your space. You can also ask me to read specific energies or blocks that are currently impacting your life and path.

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  • We will look at 2-3 past lives and examine how the energy is working for you in your present incarnation.

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“I have had several energy readings with Marc, including past life and aura readings, and I leave the reading every time with a sense of peace and validation. He has truly created a safe space to delve into whatever is on my mind or need to hear in the moment. I couldn't recommend his services enough!” 

-Olivia M

“Marc was able to tap into themes from my current life and early childhood. He called in my spirit and provided a healing from my past experiences. He was able to open up channels with ease. I felt lighter and more clear after the reading. I would recommend him to a friend and come back again.”

-Meghan W

Contact me

Feel free to reach out to me about any questions you have, services I offer or general discourse about all things psychic.