• Sessions will be either over the phone or via Zoom. Please find a quiet place free of distraction, so you can be open and focused on connecting. You are an active participant in energy and spirit throughout the readings.

    Please let me know if you would like your Zoom session recorded. Only the audio will be captured and the session video file will be deleted upon distribution. This is for your own private use and reflection on the experience and you agree to not distribute or share in any form.

    The link to download them will be provided through email. The link will be active for 30 days after the session.

  • My clairvoyant sessions have a foundational structure to them, no matter what tier of service you choose. We would begin by you sharing what brought you to the session. You can be specific or as vague as you want. You may have feelings of being stuck and are looking for guidance to help you move through the energy. Or you may a specific person, experience or event that you would like to address based on the tiers. You can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. The goal is to transmute and heal the energy so that you can move forward on your path.

    The clairvoyant moving pictures that come through are then verbally communicated through a spiritual transference or resonance. I will not describe the process that I am experiencing and there may be periods of silence as I receive the messages, but I will provide a detailed description of what I am seeing.

    I ask that you remain silent during the reading. We will have time during the second portion of the reading for specific questions regarding anything that came up or other questions you have that didn’t pertain to the reading.

  • All my sessions are done online or by phone. To me there isn’t a difference in the transference of energy. My training and readings have all taken place online and I’ve found it is obsolete when it comes to spiritual communication, healing or reading.

  • Date published: April 5, 2023

    All session appointments must be paid in full before your session.

    I have a 24 hr cancellation policy. No refunds will be provided after that period has expired. Please make sure if you need to reschedule you provide that notice.

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Psychic Re-Envisioning

  • 1 Hr

  • $150

  • A unique psychic modality that combines quantum physics theory with clairvoyant healing methods, creating a healing framework that leads to next steps and clearer vision on one’s path.

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  • Using the Re-Envisioning process, we address traumas and other karmic imbalances, relational or spiritual, that have caused blockages, stuck energy and spiritual dissonance.

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  • Using the Re-Envisioning process, we examine the unfolding of the waking up experience, that is often filled with confusion, fear, doubt and inevitably the dark night of the soul. These challenges bring so much light and clarity to your soul journey, but the navigation can often feel like being lost in the woods. We can find the path to the clearing.

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Clairvoyant Medium Readings

  • 45 mins

  • $100

  • As a medium, I am able to be an open channel for Learn more...connection with your spirit as well as other multidimensional spirits and energies, alive or that have crossed over. These connections can provide guidance, insight, healing or closure.

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  • A general clairvoyant reading that will allow me to look at the energy in your space. You can also ask me to read specific energies or blocks that are currently impacting your life and path.

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  • We will look at 2-3 past lives and examine how the energy is working for you in your present incarnation.

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