Psychic Re-Envisioning: Bifurcation

Spiritual Awakening

Using the Re-Envisioning process, we examine the unfolding of the waking up experience, that is often filled with confusion, fear, doubt and inevitably, the dark night of the soul. These challenges bring so much light and clarity to your soul journey, but the navigation can often feel like being lost in the woods. We can find the path to the clearing.

  • Spiritual awakening is a term used to describe a profound and transformative shift in consciousness that can lead to a greater sense of connection with the divine or higher power, a deeper understanding of oneself and the world, and an increased ability to access one's inner wisdom and guidance.

    It is often characterized by a sudden or gradual realization that there is more to life than the material world, and a desire to explore one's spiritual nature. This can involve questioning long-held beliefs and attitudes, experiencing intense emotions and feelings of unity with all beings, and seeking out practices and teachings that foster spiritual growth and development.

    Spiritual awakening can occur spontaneously or as a result of a deliberate effort to pursue a spiritual path. It can be triggered by a variety of experiences, such as a near-death experience, a profound loss or trauma, a psychedelic journey, or a spiritual practice such as meditation or yoga.

    The process of spiritual awakening is highly individual and can be challenging, as it often involves confronting deeply held fears and limiting beliefs. However, it can also be immensely rewarding, leading to greater clarity, purpose, and a sense of connection with something greater than oneself.

  • Through the Re-Envisioning process, we will examine the constructs that make up the spiritual intercedence points and provide meaning or clarity to what is unfolding. One point to note, part of the awakening process is surrendering to that unfolding and building an intrinsic, foundational trust in revelatory, holistic acceptance of this path. Re-Envisioning will not alleviate or halt the emergence of your new sight and insight. Awakening is a process of re-conditioning the way you thought life could be led. The confrontations with your shadow, the dark night of the soul and the death of the ego, are all undertakings that your soul must go through in order to transcend to the next level of consciousness. Bifurcation can help your spirit or higher self to merge any disconnections that may occur with the Body. Disassociation is a common occurrence when integrations are in process.

    In the event that your awakening or what is often referred to ask as a crisis or emergency, has been activated by an emotional or relational trauma, the shock and confusion can be jarring and frightening. I have endured both types of experiences and found how integral it was to have spiritual and energetic guidance to navigate the unknown. By aligning your spirit with intercedence points, we can empower and encode light onto the path towards ascension and purpose for your soul’s journey through the gift this experience becomes.

Disclaimer: Gold Light || Dark Sky sessions are not a substitute or replacement for professional psychological, medical advice or consult. Please consult a professional accordingly for any health or wellness actions you take. You assume all liability, responsibility, and risk for any decisions made after a session.

Psychic Re-Envisioning

  • 1 Hr

  • $150

  • A unique psychic modality that combines quantum physics theory with clairvoyant healing methods, creating a healing framework that leads to next steps and clearer vision on one’s path.

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  • Using the Re-Envisioning process, we address traumas and other karmic imbalances, relational or spiritual, that have caused blockages, stuck energy and spiritual dissonance.

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  • Using the Re-Envisioning process, we examine the unfolding of the waking up experience, that is often filled with confusion, fear, doubt and inevitably the dark night of the soul. These challenges bring so much light and clarity to your soul journey, but the navigation can often feel like being lost in the woods. We can find the path to the clearing.

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Clairvoyant Medium Readings

  • 45 mins

  • $100

  • As a medium, I am able to be an open channel for Learn more...connection with your spirit as well as other multidimensional spirits and energies, alive or that have crossed over. These connections can provide guidance, insight, healing or closure.

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  • A general clairvoyant reading that will allow me to look at the energy in your space. You can also ask me to read specific energies or blocks that are currently impacting your life and path.

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  • We will look at 2-3 past lives and examine how the energy is working for you in your present incarnation.

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