Psychic Re-Envisioning: Bifurcation

Narcissistic Abuse

  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), is a mental health condition that is characterized by specific traits that follow pathological schemas. Narcissistic traits that define the disorder include:

    -A black hole sized void of empathy.

    -Lack of a moral compass, sadistic and malicious behaviors and actions without remorse or accountability

    -Ego driven pursuits that fulfill their low sense of self esteem and self worth.

    -Energetic vampirism; seeking supply from others to fill the empty void of their non-existent Self.

    -Projection of the “False Self” in order to play chameleon in relationships and circumstances.

    -Seeking out Empaths, co-dependents, and other highly sensitive individuals through trauma bonding.

    -Masters at manipulation, lying, and betrayal.

    -Narcissists are damaged souls that are consistently functioning at low vibrations, engulfed by dark energy and often have dark entities attached to their energy.

    -Habitual partakers in gossip, passive-aggressive behavior, guilt trips and shame to control others.

    -Terrifying bouts of rage, where they seem possessed.

    -Narcissists are hyper-sensitive to even the smallest slights or criticisms, chronically envious of others whether about physical attributes, material possessions or social status.

    -Narcissists are emotionally neglectful, with affection and sex, often “breadcrumbing” romantic partners in order to control and manipulate them.

  • Narcissism exists on a spectrum from extreme pathological (malignant narcissists) to vulnerable and insidious traits (covert narcissists) and even “spiritual” narcissists that receive “supply” through pedestalizing themselves and draining unsuspecting followers.

    Unfortunately there are classic methods of abuse that occur. We can explore the how a Bifurcation reading can be beneficial when recovering from the effects of these experiences.

    Gaslighting: Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth.

    Discardment/devaluation: Being discarded by a narcissist is one of the most painful psycho-spiritual-emotional experiences a human can go through. Narcissists slowly devalue their partners over time once the false self they project onto them inevitably fails. Discardment is the final stage/ending to the relationship that comes void of any true human feeling at all. Often referred to as switch being flipped in the personaility, they maliciously, coldly abandone the relationship. The patholgy is the same in almost every case. This leaves the target in desparate states of bewilderment, cognitive dissonance and acute depression. Often referred to as “soul murder” in the NPD community, it takes great strength, faith in Self, and the will to heal from this experience.

    CPTSD/Ruminations: A byproduct of NA (narcissistic abuse) is PTSD which manifests in looping, ruminating thoughts depending on the severity of the experiences, this can be debilitating and require counseling. Empaths are highly susceptible to this affliction due to the the nature of this entanglement.

    Psychological splitting: Splitting is defense mechanism for many of the Cluster B disorders. Narcissists are unable to experience two opposing states at the same time. Everything is categorized into polarities, good or bad, hero or villain, black and white. This inevitably plays out in the relationship model as they devalue their source of supply (energy, attention, admiration).

    Trauma Bonding: Is the outcome of routine NA over a period of time. It is characterized by intermittent positive reinforcement. This includes cycling through idealization and devaluation phases, leaving the target seeking validation and love from the abuser. Similar to Stockholm Syndrome, the target is unaware that they are stuck in a cycle that results in them blaming and shaming themselves for the dysfunction in the relationship. The more These cycles continue the stronger the bond becomes which makes it more difficult to break ties and end the relationship. This leads to the target having ruminations of the narcissist and events that took place.

Using the Re-Envisioning process, we address traumas and other karmic imbalances, relational or spiritual, that have caused blockages, stuck energy and spiritual dissonance.

Disclaimer: Gold Light || Dark Sky sessions are not a substitute or replacement for professional psychological, medical advice or consult. Please consult a professional accordingly for any health or wellness actions you take. You assume all liability, responsibility, and risk for any decisions made after a session.

Psychic Re-Envisioning

  • 1 Hr

  • $150

  • A unique psychic modality that combines quantum physics theory with clairvoyant healing methods, creating a healing framework that leads to next steps and clearer vision on one’s path.

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  • Using the Re-Envisioning process, we address traumas and other karmic imbalances, relational or spiritual, that have caused blockages, stuck energy and spiritual dissonance.

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  • Using the Re-Envisioning process, we examine the unfolding of the waking up experience, that is often filled with confusion, fear, doubt and inevitably the dark night of the soul. These challenges bring so much light and clarity to your soul journey, but the navigation can often feel like being lost in the woods. We can find the path to the clearing.

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Clairvoyant Medium Readings

  • 45 mins

  • $100

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  • A general clairvoyant reading that will allow me to look at the energy in your space. You can also ask me to read specific energies or blocks that are currently impacting your life and path.

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